"Nocturnal Paths” is a VIRTUAL audio-visual EXXPERIENCE that let’s you embark on a metaphorical journey through a digital night walk, reflecting the artist's inspiration for her lyrical and visual work, which always teeters on the edge of beauty and darkness.

The journey intertwines storytelling and mythology, exploring the dualism of good and bad and inviting visitors to find themselves alongside their shadow. Central themes include the ritualistic nature of night walks and the eerie ambiance of the forest at night. As visitors navigate the darkened pathways, they might encounter lurking dangers, hear distant whistling, and perhaps engage in conversations with the darkness itself, which may respond with laughter. This exhibition offers a multi-sensory experience merging nature, art, and the mystique of the night. Each artwork is available as an NFT through the Zora platform.

“In the late hours of the night, when the world is asleep and the echoes of your past come back to haunt you, take a moment to breathe and listen: hear the wind rustling the trees, whispers in the shadows, and the hum of insects. Allow yourself to feel and embrace all emotions, as you cannot selectively numb them. Remember, if you numb sadness, you also numb joy and gratitude. Know that light cannot exist without darkness. It is about allowing yourself to feel and embrace all emotions, as you cannot selectively numb them.” - NB

Chimera's Midnight Bloom

Red Veil Guardian

Nocturnal Phantom

Crimson Crystal of the Enchanted Forest

Whispering Phantom of the Glade

Spectral Guardian of the Dawn